Tag: pastry

Pains aux raisins

Pains aux raisins

One of the lesser known french pastries, pains aux raisins are to be honest one of my favorite viennoiseries. Also known as escargot, due to the form or brioche aux raisins in the south of France. Pains aux raisins consist of a thin sheet of 

Perfect French Croissants

Perfect French Croissants

When I think of French pastries, the first thing that pops into my mind is croissants, but did you actually know that croissants weren’t invented in France? Croissants as we know them today, can be found from the 1840’s in Vienna, but of course they’ve 

Chaussons aux Pommes

Chaussons aux Pommes

Chaussons aux Pommes are the french equivalent of apple turnovers. Personally, I feel that they tend to be under appreciated. When made right, they can be delightfully tasty and a great alternative to croissants or pains aux chocolats. For those just jumping into making puff