Month: February 2020

Thai Red Curry – Natalyian Style

Thai Red Curry – Natalyian Style

Who loves Thai food? I know we definitely do. But I’ll let you in on a little secret. This recipe is not your traditional Thai Red Curry. If you go to a Thai restaurant, you’ll get a more traditional version. But hey, I am not 

Sourdough Bread

Sourdough Bread

My first memory of sourdough bread was a Sourdough Jack at Jack-in-the-Box. As a kid, I found the sourness of the bread distasteful. Recently, I found myself intrigued by the abundance of sourdough loaves popping up on my Instagram feed and wanted to find out 

Chaussons aux Pommes

Chaussons aux Pommes

Chaussons aux Pommes are the french equivalent of apple turnovers. Personally, I feel that they tend to be under appreciated. When made right, they can be delightfully tasty and a great alternative to croissants or pains aux chocolats. For those just jumping into making puff 

CAP Blanc #2

CAP Blanc #2

It’s been a little less than a month since my last CAP practice exam, but I wanted to give it another shot and try to improve on those couple things that I had issues with last time. Just as last time, I asked the hubby 

Tarte Chocolat Nougatine

Tarte Chocolat Nougatine

Last Friday, I got an email confirming my registration for the CAP Pâtissier exam. Part of me was thrilled they didn’t need any additional documents for my enrollment. However the other part of me started to stress like crazy. They provided us with the exam