Month: January 2020

Poppy Seed Almond Bread

Poppy Seed Almond Bread

For many people in France, there is often quite a bit of confusion when they see this (as well as any other type of quick breads) labeled as bread. In french, quick breads are labeled as “cake”. Yes, they stole the word cake from us, 

Salted Butter Caramel

Salted Butter Caramel

Show of hands, who loves caramel? Okay, so let me tell you a funny story. When I was a kid, I hated caramel. I saw nothing appealing about that overly sugar candy that got stuck in my teeth or the drizzle that was often mixing 

Tarte Piémontaise

Tarte Piémontaise

Hello everyone! Yesterday, I spent my day studying pastry theory, as I was completely out of butter, eggs and various other ingredients. Quelle horreur! Our grocery delivery arrived in the evening, eating away at the meager hours of sunlight we do have. This meant that 

Traditional French Brioche

Traditional French Brioche

Hey everyone! It’s been a minute hasn’t it? How was everyone’s holiday season? My little sister flew in from Slovenia where she’s going to school and it being her first Christmas in France, we played tourist and hit up all of the good spots. Paris