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Coucou Café

Coucou Café

Coucou Café: A Cozy Brunch Corner in Chinon Nestled in the heart of Chinon, Coucou Café is more than just a place to grab a quick bite or coffee. It’s a space where locals and tourists alike can gather, unwind, and enjoy the simple pleasures 

Vacation Rental Transformation

Vacation Rental Transformation

We’re neck deep in renovations and have been for almost 2 years now, I figured I would share some of the behind the scenes and the transformation that the cottage has undergone to become the vacation rental of your dreams. When we first looked for 

Pastry Classes are LIVE!

Pastry Classes are LIVE!

After months (or more like years 😅) of preparation, the time has finally come. For those of you dreaming about French pastry and cuisine, but have not had the opportunity to experience it first hand, I am bringing it to you. Our virtual pastry class 

I’m back!

I’m back!

Hello everyone! It’s been a moment hasn’t it? Well I’m back! The last year (or two 😅) has been crazy, to say the least! Not only has the world experienced a pandemic, we packed up our entire life & left the Paris area for a 

Whipped Chocolate Ganache Brioche Doughnuts

Whipped Chocolate Ganache Brioche Doughnuts

I’ve been feeling quite nostalgic of the late. I miss being able to just run down to the doughnut shop and grab a couple doughnuts without having to take out a loan *insert laugh* Times are changing, so at least I do have the option 

Black Forest Cake

Black Forest Cake

Cherry season is here! Every year I hesitate buying cherries because I personally prefer strawberries or raspberries. Then every year I’m reminded that I actually love cherries, maybe even more than strawberries. For those of you who know me and my journey, cake is actually 

Simple Sugar Tossed Doughnuts

Simple Sugar Tossed Doughnuts

A while back, I shared my favorite doughnut recipe with you all – Salted Caramel Brioche Doughnuts. They are sooo good! Honestly, it’s the best combination ever! However, that salted caramel is quite sweet so for someone like me, one doughnut is enough. To switch 

Sourdough Chocolate Chip Cookies

Sourdough Chocolate Chip Cookies

If you’re like 90% of the population who started making sourdough bread during the confinement, you may be looking for ways to use that sourdough discard. For those of you who are familiar with sourdough starters, you know how hungry they can get. Normally, I 

Easy Raspberry Tart

Easy Raspberry Tart

You asked and I’m answering! A couple weeks ago, I asked if there was anything that you all wanted to see more of. The most common request was more fresh fruit based desserts, now that we’re going into the warmer seasons. So this easy raspberry 

Expat Baking in France – A Complete Guide

Expat Baking in France – A Complete Guide

It’s been 8 years since I went through the growing pains of cooking abroad, that I had almost forgotten about it. It had been brought to my attention my a fellow expat (Hi Emma!) that it was difficult to find some of the ingredients in 

Almond Cream Turnovers

Almond Cream Turnovers

When it comes to nuts, I’m an almond girl through and through. Roasted, almond cream, almond croissants. If there’s almond’s in it, I’ve most likely had my fill! These almond cream turnovers are a tasty twist on Chaussons aux pommes and I’d have to admit, 

Puff Pastry Baked Apples

Puff Pastry Baked Apples

When I bake, either we give away most of it or Mr. Hubby takes it to work to share with his colleagues. In the last couple months, since we’ve been in confinement, we’ve been eating way too many desserts! So I was looking for ways 

Homemade Praliné

Homemade Praliné

Praliné, not to be confused with American pralines, first made it’s appearance in pastry history in the mid to late 1600’s. It has since become a paramount ingredient in French pastry. You can easily buy praliné at any major pastry supply store in France. Most 

Plum & Thyme Tarte Tatin

Plum & Thyme Tarte Tatin

The more often I cook, the more comfortable I am getting to creating my own recipes. I remember when I first started working on recipes, it would take be ages to get it right…What I have realized is that I was actually just over thinking 

Julia Child’s Niçoise Salad

Julia Child’s Niçoise Salad

To be honest, growing up we didn’t eat a lot of salads. It may be because we didn’t really know how to make a good salad. The french however know how to make a good salad. Perhaps that’s how they stay so thin…. Originating from 

Brioche French Toast

Brioche French Toast

It’s kind of funny that I decided to become a pastry chef because I don’t really care for sweets. I love making them, but eating…meh. However, when I eat breakfast (once in a blue moon) I sure do enjoy brioche french toast. Especially if there’s 

Homemade Hamburger Buns

Homemade Hamburger Buns

Once you make homemade hamburger buns, you will never be able to go back to store bought buns. Store bought buns have close to no flavor and are so dry! These buns are made using the Le Cordon Bleu brioche recipe, which trust me, is 

Salted Butter Caramel Brioche Doughnuts

Salted Butter Caramel Brioche Doughnuts

Growing up, doughnuts played a large part in my life. In Eastern Washington, there’s a little mom & pop shop that has been open since the 50’s. Anyone who lives in the Tri-Cites knows The Spudnut. When you first walk in, there’s the open kitchen 

Rustic Tomato & Chevre Tart

Rustic Tomato & Chevre Tart

First off, I want to thank all of you who tuned in to my very first LIVE bake-along. It was such a great experience and I had a blast teaching all of you the secrets behind quick puff pastry! I really hope you enjoyed the 

French Crêpes – Pierre Hermé Recipe

French Crêpes – Pierre Hermé Recipe

In the USA, you may stumble upon what is dubbed crêpes. In reality, they resemble more a thinner than usual pancake, onto which sugar in all of it’s forms are piled than a real crêpe. I believe that even Ihop has “crêpes” on their menu, 

Strawberry Tart

Strawberry Tart

Every year, I am thrilled when I see the first strawberries at the market. They are my by far my favorite berry. In smoothies, on cakes or tarts, even in salad! If you look at my favorite french desserts, the majority are either strawberry or 

Blueberry Lemon Bread

Blueberry Lemon Bread

This last week has been so nice weather-wise. The trees are getting greener, we can finally go outside again without coats and my birks made their 2020 debut! We are still in confinement, so I’ve been puttering around the house finally working through those to-do 

Chouquettes (Sugar Puffs)

Chouquettes (Sugar Puffs)

Welcome to my very first choux pastry post! I don’t know why I haven’t gotten around to writing one before. It is one of the most versatile dough in French pastry. Someone somewhere, I can’t remember where, called it the Madonna of dough and it 

Pains aux raisins

Pains aux raisins

One of the lesser known french pastries, pains aux raisins are to be honest one of my favorite viennoiseries. Also known as escargot, due to the form or brioche aux raisins in the south of France. Pains aux raisins consist of a thin sheet of 

Banana Bread

Banana Bread

There are sooo many recipes out there for banana bread. When I started messing around with this recipe, I knew I wanted to have a moist bread with a nice banana bread that wasn’t muddled by other spices. I always have fruit around the house, 

Steak & Ale Stew

Steak & Ale Stew

Steak & Ale Stew, aka a warm hug in a bowl. Every single time that I go to the UK or Ireland, this is my go to order. Yeah, I know that they make pretty good fish & chips, but it’s not really my thing. 

French Apple Tart

French Apple Tart

Apple Tart, or tarte aux pommes, is one of the most popular french tarts. It’s up there with lemon meringue tart and just as easy to put together. This apple tart is one of my favorites and a much lighter version than it’s American counterpart. 

Mushroom & Sage Risotto

Mushroom & Sage Risotto

Do you ever find yourself in a cooking rut? Like, you find yourself making the same five recipes over and over? I know I do. I think that’s why I love going on vacation. It gives me a change of getting off of the hamster 

CAP Blanc #3

CAP Blanc #3

It’s about a month and a half until exam sessions are scheduled to start. That is, if there are no changes due to the epidemic sweeping across the world. France went into lock down the day after my CAP Blanc. So I’m glad I was 

Rosemary Focaccia

Rosemary Focaccia

My worst nightmare is becoming gluten intolerant because I love bread. And pasta. And…well anything made out of flour. If dinner was a baguette and some left over cheese, you will get no complaint from me. Seriously. You have no idea how many slices of 

Classic French Lemon Tart

Classic French Lemon Tart

When I was a kid, my grandma loved to take us to Shari’s Cafe & Pie. I remember being fascinated by the pie display case. You know the ones that were lit up and rotated, showing off all of their options. So why exactly am 

Perfect French Croissants

Perfect French Croissants

When I think of French pastries, the first thing that pops into my mind is croissants, but did you actually know that croissants weren’t invented in France? Croissants as we know them today, can be found from the 1840’s in Vienna, but of course they’ve 

Chocolate Flan

Chocolate Flan

Flan. Being American, the only type of flan that I ever came across before moving to France was Mexican flan. You know the jiggly, yellow stuff with the caramel (I think) on the top, sitting in its own liquids… Bleck. To be honest, I am 

Crème Pâtissière – French Pastry Cream

Crème Pâtissière – French Pastry Cream

As a pastry student, crème pâtissière or pastry cream is one of the most important elements that you learn. It is the base of so many different recipes! You’ll need it for a lot of tarts, cream fillings for eclairs, crème mousseline, for fraisiers, etc 

Thai Red Curry – Natalyian Style

Thai Red Curry – Natalyian Style

Who loves Thai food? I know we definitely do. But I’ll let you in on a little secret. This recipe is not your traditional Thai Red Curry. If you go to a Thai restaurant, you’ll get a more traditional version. But hey, I am not 

Sourdough Bread

Sourdough Bread

My first memory of sourdough bread was a Sourdough Jack at Jack-in-the-Box. As a kid, I found the sourness of the bread distasteful. Recently, I found myself intrigued by the abundance of sourdough loaves popping up on my Instagram feed and wanted to find out 

Chaussons aux Pommes

Chaussons aux Pommes

Chaussons aux Pommes are the french equivalent of apple turnovers. Personally, I feel that they tend to be under appreciated. When made right, they can be delightfully tasty and a great alternative to croissants or pains aux chocolats. For those just jumping into making puff 

CAP Blanc #2

CAP Blanc #2

It’s been a little less than a month since my last CAP practice exam, but I wanted to give it another shot and try to improve on those couple things that I had issues with last time. Just as last time, I asked the hubby 

Tarte Chocolat Nougatine

Tarte Chocolat Nougatine

Last Friday, I got an email confirming my registration for the CAP Pâtissier exam. Part of me was thrilled they didn’t need any additional documents for my enrollment. However the other part of me started to stress like crazy. They provided us with the exam 

Poppy Seed Almond Bread

Poppy Seed Almond Bread

For many people in France, there is often quite a bit of confusion when they see this (as well as any other type of quick breads) labeled as bread. In french, quick breads are labeled as “cake”. Yes, they stole the word cake from us, 

CAP Blanc Practice Exam #1

CAP Blanc Practice Exam #1

Oof, what a day. Yesterday I did my first CAP blanc practice exam at home. Isn’t that what you do on a daily basis, you may ask. Nope. I study. Generally one recipe per day. For the practice exam, I tried my best to recreate 

Salted Butter Caramel

Salted Butter Caramel

Show of hands, who loves caramel? Okay, so let me tell you a funny story. When I was a kid, I hated caramel. I saw nothing appealing about that overly sugar candy that got stuck in my teeth or the drizzle that was often mixing 

Tarte Piémontaise

Tarte Piémontaise

Hello everyone! Yesterday, I spent my day studying pastry theory, as I was completely out of butter, eggs and various other ingredients. Quelle horreur! Our grocery delivery arrived in the evening, eating away at the meager hours of sunlight we do have. This meant that 

Traditional French Brioche

Traditional French Brioche

Hey everyone! It’s been a minute hasn’t it? How was everyone’s holiday season? My little sister flew in from Slovenia where she’s going to school and it being her first Christmas in France, we played tourist and hit up all of the good spots. Paris 

Holiday Gingerbread Cookies

Holiday Gingerbread Cookies

What say’s “holiday season” more than gingerbread cookies? As I write this, I’m still in absolute shock that Christmas is already over. How is it possible that 2019 is coming to a close? Does anyone feel like time is just flying by or is it 

Homemade Chai Concentrate

Homemade Chai Concentrate

Before starting my adventure on making a homemade chai concentrate, my first encounter with Chai was at Starbucks and I instantly fell in love. It honestly tasted like Christmas in a cup and became my go-to order at any coffee shop. Not long after, I 

Homemade Egg Pasta

Homemade Egg Pasta

To be honest, my relationship with fresh homemade pasta is quite a young one. Much to Mr. Hubbys’ delight, my dad taught me how to make pasta when we were visiting them in Mérida last year and it turns out, homemade pasta is easy, delicious 

Soft, Chewy Snickerdoodles

Soft, Chewy Snickerdoodles

Snickerdoodles. Those delicate sugar cookies that are rolled in cinnamon sugar. The recipe that generally stays in the back of our recipe files until the holidays roll around & then graces our tables at every gathering… Honestly, I have a hard time around the holiday 

Bakery Style Brownies

Bakery Style Brownies

Hello my lovelies! It’s been a moment since I’ve posted and not because I didn’t want to. This last month has been quite hectic! Mr. Hubby’s birthday was at the beginning of the month, so I was studying-up on how to make his birthday cake 

Roasted Sweet Potato Salad with Lemon Honey Dressing

Roasted Sweet Potato Salad with Lemon Honey Dressing

Looking for a fall salad, full of flavor? This salad has become a staple in our home. It is easy to throw together and tastes like Thanksgiving in a plate. I’m not even kidding, I generally make this at least twice a month, it is 

The Journey

I’m back!

I’m back!

Hello everyone! It’s been a moment hasn’t it? Well I’m back! The last year (or two 😅) has been crazy, to say the least! Not only has the world experienced a pandemic, we packed up our entire life & left the Paris area for a